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If you are a student who suffers from asthma, you can still participate in regular sports. However, in colder weather, you should take special precautions to prevent asthma attacks. For instance, this could begin as coughing and wheezing while you are trying to exercise. Your asthma attacks usually start within 10 to 15 minutes, and they usually resolve within 60 minutes.

Exercise can trigger asthma because our respiratory system is designed to warm the air we breathe. However, during exercise, our mouth tends to breathe in the drier and colder air. Certain infections can also worsen asthma. In order to prevent asthma attacks while playing sports, it is recommended to take medication prescribed by your primary doctor.

For people with asthma, a short-acting beta-2 agonist, such as albuterol, can help prevent attacks for several hours. A long-acting bronchodilator, on the other hand, can work for up to 12 hours. In addition to this, other types of inhaled anti-inflammatory drugs can also help quiet the airways. This is beneficial to student-athletes who are busily transitioning from class to after-school practice or games. Having these long-lasting solutions can help them perform their best without having to worry about an asthma attack.

If you’re not able to exercise outside, try finding other ways to exercise, such as swimming in an indoor pool or working out at a gym.

Before starting a new exercise program, make sure that your body is fully recovered from its previous activities. Doing so can help improve the effects of exercise on your respiratory system. One of the most effective ways to improve the quality of life for people with asthma is by playing sports that require short bursts of energy.

Other sports that are easier on the airways for people with asthma include football, baseball, gymnastics, and track. Swimming is also a good choice for students who suffer from exercise-induced asthma. The warm and humid environment can help keep the body’s temperature comfortable.

Although irritants in the air can trigger asthma, especially when used in an indoor pool, it’s still important to pay attention to your symptoms. Having well-controlled asthma can be achieved through regular visits to a sports medicine physician.